Medial Thigh Lift in Atlanta, GA

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Losing a significant amount of weight or the natural process of aging can cause a buildup of unsightly loose hanging skin on the inside of an individual’s thigh. Medial thigh lift surgery can eliminate loose skin and fat from the inner thigh.

Whether the amount of loose skin is extensive or mild, SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics can perform a medial thigh lift in Atlanta, GA to correct the issue and leave more proportioned, natural-looking thighs.

Our Medial Thigh Lift Surgeons

Dr. Angelina Postoev is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon who is not only triple board-certified but is also one of the country’s leading thigh lift specialists. She has undergone extensive training and has significant experience in performing various types of thighplasty surgeries, including medial thigh lifts.

Her meticulous attention to detail, surgical expertise, and commitment to patient safety have earned her a reputation for delivering amazing results and compassionate aftercare. In fact, many patients travel great distances to benefit from her expertise and the support of her team at SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics.

Dr. Angelina's certificate from The American Board of Surgery
Dr. Angelina's certificate from The Ohio State University Medical Center
Dr. Angelina's certificate from American Academy of Cosmetic surgery
Dr. Angelina's certificate from American Board of Cosmetic surgery
Dr. Angelina's certificate from Cleveland Clinic Educational Found
Dr. Angelina's certificate from Meadows Surgical Arts

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What Is A Medial Thigh Lift?

A medial thigh lift is also called an inner thighplasty and is the most performed surgery for enhancing the thighs. Over the past 17 years, the number of thigh lifts performed in the United States alone has increased over four times.

There are different techniques used to perform a medial thigh lift, and the one chosen for each patient is dependent upon how much loose skin and excess fat need to be removed.

If an individual only has a very small amount of loose skin in their inner thigh area, a mini-thigh lift may be performed. If they have a moderate amount of loose skin and fat, the doctor may choose a crescent thigh lift, which removes a crescent-shaped area of loose skin and excess fat, and if they have a larger amount of correction needed, the doctor may perform a vertical thigh lift or an extended medial thigh lift (also called a full or traditional thigh lift), which requires the usual curved groin incision and one that runs from their groin area down to their knee on their inner thigh.


A medial thighplasty can be used to correct a mild or moderate amount of loose skin that has resulted from aging or weight loss.

There are several reasons why someone might consider getting a medial thigh lift. First, there are the aesthetic reasons and the fact that loose, hanging skin is not pleasing to look at, and diet and exercise cannot do anything for loose skin.

Another reason may be that this loose skin is limiting their mobility or causing rashes or chafing. Sometimes, when someone has lost a great deal of weight, their skin is unable to retract enough to fit over their new smaller thigh, so it sags down loosely or folds over on itself. This can cause skin irritation, make it difficult for them to get around, and hinder their ability to find clothing that fits properly.

A medial thigh lift can help alleviate these issues and also put the finishing touches on their weight loss results.


Your medial thigh lift results will depend on the extent of skin and fat removal and the technique used during your surgery. You should notice a more contoured and toned-looking inner thighs area when looking at your medial thigh lift before and after results. Your upper thigh should be smoother, and their circumference should be smaller due to the liposuction and removal of excess skin and fat.

Before And After Medial Thigh Lift

Before And After Thigh Lift
Before And After Thigh Lift
Before And After Thigh Lift

Procedure Steps

Medial thighplasty surgery can be a short, simple procedure, such as when the patient has only a small amount of loose skin to correct and a mini medial thigh lift is being performed, or as extensive as a full thigh lift that requires two different medial thigh lift incisions and the removal of a substantial amount of extra skin. The typical steps of a medial thigh lift include:


Sedating the patient with general anesthesia.


The appropriate medial thigh lift incisions are created by Dr. Angelina, which can be short and made along the groin crease or may extend under the buttock cheek. If more correction is needed, she may also create a vertical incision that runs from the knee up along the inside of the thigh to the groin area.


Liposuction will be performed to remove extra unwanted fat accumulations, and the extra hanging skin will be eliminated.


She will then pull the remaining skin tighter, smooth it out, and stitch it in place so the entire upper thigh looks more toned and naturally proportionate.


Dr. Angelina applies the sutures as carefully as possible to mitigate visible scarring and then may use surgical tape or glue to keep them from separating. She will provide a compression garment for each thigh that must be worn faithfully and according to her directions. This garment helps hold everything securely in place while healing is taking place and also helps to keep swelling to a minimum. Usually, the patient needs to wear this garment 24 hours a day, unless showering, for about six weeks.


Patients are then taken to a recovery area to wake up fully from the anesthesia. Once they have been observed for a few hours, patients are discharged into the care of a friend or relative to go home to recover. They may have surgical drains along their incision lines, depending on how extensive their procedure was. Patients are not to disturb their bandaging, and Dr. Angelina will remove the initial dressings during their follow-up visit. She will provide detailed aftercare instructions during this visit.


The time it takes to recover will be different for each patient and will depend on the type of medial thigh surgery they underwent. Your medial thigh lift recovery time can also be influenced by how healthy you are, your age, your diet, and how well you take care of yourself during your recovery.

Dr. Angelina will give you instructions on how to take care of your incisions after she removes your bandages and how to properly wear your compression garments. She will also give you some helpful tips on how to best sit, lie down, or even use the toilet during your initial recovery days. It is important that you keep any weight or pressure from affecting your incisions and possibly causing them to pull apart, affecting your results and adding to your extended recovery time.


After undergoing medial thigh lift surgery, scarring is unavoidable, but how visible they will be depends on where the incisions were created and how much extra skin had to be removed. Scars that result from incisions made along the crease where the upper thigh meets the groin are usually well hidden, but those that run down the length of the inner thigh to the knee will be more visible.

Dr. Angelina always does her best to perform the surgery to get the desired results with the least amount of scarring possible. She will also provide you with some suggestions of treatments you can use to help minimize the appearance of scars once your incisions have healed sufficiently.

Combining Surgeries For Best Results

It is often wise to combine a medial thigh lift with a lateral thigh lift, a tummy tuck, or another body contouring surgery if you are looking for dramatic results. For patients who have lost a massive amount of weight and have a substantial amount of loose skin surrounding their entire thigh, a medial thigh lift alone will not provide enough correction. They will also need correction on their outer thigh area through a lateral thigh lift or a spiral thigh lift (360 thigh lift).

When a medial thigh lift is done along with a tummy tuck or 360 liposuction, it can result in a more naturally proportioned, toned, and smoother-looking figure.

Dr. Angelina can talk with you about the results you desire during your initial consultation and then create a plan to reach these goals. Sometimes combining surgeries can help you save money and recovery time when compared to undergoing these surgeries independently.

How Much Does A Medial Thigh Lift
Cost in Atlanta, GA?

Medial thigh lift costs can vary depending on how extensive the surgery is, the geographic location and expertise of the surgeon, the type of facility being used to conduct the surgery, and more.

The average base cost of a medial thigh lift is around $5,500 in the United States today. You have to add in all the other associated fees, such as the surgeon’s fee, the fee for use of the operating space, the anesthesiologist’s fee, etc., to determine the total cost of a medial thigh lift.

You will know the exact cost of your medial thigh lift performed by Dr. Angelina at SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics before you undergo surgery, so there will be no hidden fees that pop up unexpectedly. The all-inclusive pricing for your medial thigh lift in Atlanta will be discussed in detail during your consultation.

There is no reason to be unhappy or embarrassed about the way your thighs look when corrective medial thigh lift surgery can be safely performed to correct it. Additionally, some loose thigh skin may be corrected using procedures that do not require surgery.

Contact SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics to find out more about the techniques used for medial thigh lifts and which one would work best for you.


Five Stars Rating

My surgery for a tummy tuck / lipo / fat transfer to the hips was successful with zero complications. My healing experience was above average for a person that has a medical history like mine. My TT scars are next to perfect within 3 weeks of surgery. This could have not been possible without someone like Dr. Angelina who places the patients health above a $$$.

– Erick

Five Stars Rating

My experience with Surgicare Arts & Aesthetics was beyond expectations. I am a 57 year old male that had Gastric Sleeve Surgery by Dr. Chris on 8/30/18. 9 months later and 150 lbs lost I had abdominoplasty surgery performed by Dr. Angelina. Dr. Angelina, Stacy, and Christine welcomed me at every visit making me feel like I was a friend as much as a patient. They answered every question pre and post operation. I plan on having additional skin removal procedures at Surgicare Arts in the near future. I am so thankful I found them.

– Pat

Five Stars Rating

6 weeks post-op abdominalplasty (tummy tuck) with lipoma removal. I am getting so excited day by day with my results.

– K. R.

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