Neck Lift in Atlanta, GA

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Neck Lift Atlanta

Crepe paper skin and sagging in the neck area often develop before your face shows any signs of aging. A neck lift addresses these concerns so that you can feel more comfortable with the way you look.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a common cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to reconstruct your neck area. Depending on your needs the operation might include skin lifting, platysma muscle tightening (also called platysmaplasty) and/or fat removal. The procedure can be performed as a standalone procedure, but it is often combined with other facial surgeries, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery. The reason is simple enough: once your neck reconstruction is done you might mention other imperfections on your face that haven’t been seen before.

What Is a Neck Liposuction?

A neck liposuction is a part of the neck lift procedure, it gives the most natural results. Small deposits of fat will be removed and used to create natural contours. Neck liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure for patients whose only concern is a double chin.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Statistically, both women and men who experience aging of the neck area can be candidates for a neck lift. You are more likely to qualify for the procedure if:
  • You are in a good health condition;
  • Your expectations are as much optimistic as realistic;
  • You are looking to reshape your neck zone to a younger version of it;
  • You are feeling embarrassed about seeing a “turkey wattle”;
  • You are tired of hiding your neck folds behind your clothing;
  • You are ready to boost your self-confidence.

What Are the Benefits?

The neck and the lower face profile contribute a lot to one’s self-confidence. A neck lift restores a more youthful appearance and corrects problems in the neck and jawline.

You will benefit from this procedure if your nec skin is loose and hangs down from your chin. Other issues that can be corrected are weakened muscles and pockets of fat. Our patients mention that the recovery process is smooth, and the results are excellent.

What Should I Expect from My Neck Lift?

As in the case of any other cosmetic surgical procedure, you should make an appointment and consult a surgeon first. You will discuss all aspects of the process and get instructions for preparation. The surgeon will thoroughly check your health condition and determine the best surgery strategy.

A neck lift is a generally safe procedure. Technically, it includes three steps: incisions, lifting, and closures.

Incisions are placed under the chin or along the natural crease of the ear. This ensures that the scars are barely noticeable after you heal. After the incisions are made, the muscles may be tightened and sutured. The skin is pulled tight and any excess is removed. Neck liposuction may be done prior to closing the incisions.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The results of a neck lift usually last for 10 to 15 years depending on many factors. To maximize the rejuvenating effect for the neck area, we recommend avoiding prolonged sun exposure and heavy exercises involving neck muscles.

Neck Lift for Men

It might seem that men don’t undergo cosmetic surgery on their faces and necks as much as women do. However, they do want to look and feel better and younger as much as women do. But male patients often prefer not speaking about their treatments. Neck lift for men is a simple surgical procedure that contours the neck and makes men look younger, fresher, more energized, and fitter. The procedure addresses saggy skin and excess fat on the man’s neck. The incisions heal very quickly and fade away so that no one can see the scars after the treatment.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in Atlanta, GA?

The cost of surgery varies by patient based on several factors. Neck lift surgery is customized for each patient, so the extent of the surgery can play a role in how much a neck lift will cost. Geographic location and the expertise of the surgeon also factor into the price of neck lift surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a neck lift in the United States is currently around $5,774. This average does not include the fees for the anesthesiologist, medication, the operating room, or other related expenses.

Other costs that may be incurred for neck lift surgery include:

  • any necessary medical tests;
  • post-operative compression garments;
  • prescriptions for medication;
  • the surgeon’s fee.

Neck lift surgery costs between $5,000 and $9,000 on average in Atlanta, Georgia.

Typically, medical insurance does not cover neck lift surgery or any resulting complications, but during your initial consultation, our team will discuss the cost of your procedure and share information about our flexible financing options.

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