Inner Thigh Lift

As we age, our body’s ability to produce collagen and elastin slows down and the evidence begins to appear in different locations of our body including the Inner thigh area. Inner lift surgery can correct this natural sign of aging.

Most medial thigh lifts are performed on individuals who have lost a lot of weight and have been left with an abundance of excess skin. Some patients experience physical limitations due to the amount of excess skin that remains after a massive weight loss.

Illustration: Different types of thigh lifts
Illustration: Different types of thigh lifts

What Is An Inner Thigh Lift?

An inner thigh lift, medically known as a medial thigh lift, is a surgical procedure that is used to contour the thighs and remove excess skin. It is often performed after an individual has lost a significant amount of weight through bariatric surgery. Often combined with liposuction, an inner thighplasty can remove excess skin that is saggy and smooth out excess fat deposits resulting in slimmer, more contoured, youthful-looking thighs.

The goal of inner thighplasty is to remove excess skin and often fat from the inside of the thighs and can be performed using one of a few techniques depending on the degree of correction needed. The correction can cover a small area (mini thigh lift) or can cover a larger portion of the thigh as in an extended thigh lift.

Medial Thigh Lift Scars 1 Month After Surgery left
Medial thigh lift scars 1 month post-op

The Basics Of Medial Thigh Lift Surgery

Most Medial thigh lifts consist of a combination of two procedures: liposuction and surgical skin excision that are done during the same surgery to provide optimal results.

Liposuction During Inner Thigh Lift

A liquid made of up saline and anesthetic (tumescent fluid) is administered into the patient’s thigh through a small incision. This special mixture helps to minimize the loss of blood and makes it easier for the surgeon to remove the fat.

Triple-board certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Angelina Posteov, being one of the only thigh lift experts in the United States, prefers to use the avulsion technique when performing thigh lift surgery. This technique uses VASER liposuction to remove unwanted fat and contour the thigh to provide natural-looking results and offers a faster recovery from thigh lift surgery.

During VASER Liposuction, after the tumescent fluid is administered small ultrasound probes will be introduced under the skin through the small incision that will strategically break up the unwanted fatty tissue without affecting any underlying tissue. Next, a small instrument called a cannula is used to gently remove the unwanted fat and most of the tumescent fluid – some fluid is left behind to help alleviate post-procedure discomfort.

Liposuction is almost always necessary when performing inner thigh lift surgery to ensure tight, smooth-looking results that heal properly. Utilizing the avulsion technique and VASER liposuction helps minimize swelling and bruising while lowering the risk of improper incision healing.

Skin Excision During Thighplasty

The second part of a medial thigh lift consists of the removal of excess skin. The surgeon will make an incision coinciding with the inner thigh lift surgery technique being performed. The excess skin will be cut off and the remaining skin is pulled taut and sutured in place. Often, surgical drains are installed in the incisions to help eliminate postoperative fluid. Surgical tape and dressings are normally used to help keep the incision site stable.

Inner Thigh Lift Techniques

Traditional Inner or Medial Thigh Lift

The medial thigh lift (inner thigh lift) is the most popular type of thigh lift and the most performed. A medial thigh lift addresses loose saggy skin on the inside of the thighs (typically where they touch) and the surgeon can use different incision patterns depending on the amount of loose skin and excess fat that needs to be corrected.

Typically during an inner thigh lift, an incision is made in the crease of the groin that curves around to under the buttocks. The surgeon will remove excess saggy skin and tissue and tighten the remaining skin and suture in place. The resulting scars from the traditional medial thigh lift are usually well hidden under a typical bikini bottom or underwear.

Vertical Thigh Lift or Extended Inner Thigh Lift

During an extended inner thigh lift or also referred to as vertical thigh lift, the surgeon makes two incisions that form a T-shape. The top incision is made in the same groin crease as the traditional inner thigh lift with another incision made vertically and extending down the middle of the inner thigh to the knee.

While less common, an extended medial thigh lift is often used on former bariatric surgery patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and have a great deal of excess skin to remove. The T-shaped resulting scars from a vertical thigh lift will be more visible running vertically from the groin to the knee on the inside of the thigh.

Crescent Thigh LIft

During a crescent thigh lift, the surgeon makes an incision at the intersection of the groin and the inner thigh and runs around to the back of the thigh. A small piece of skin in the shape of a moon is removed and the rest of the skin is pulled tight and secured. A crescent thigh lift is best for individuals who have a small amount of loose skin only in the upper inner thigh area. The scars from a crescent thigh lift are well hidden in the crease where the leg meets the groin.

Mini Thigh Lift

A mini thigh lift is used to address only a small area in the upper third of the thigh. An incision is made along the crease where the upper thigh meets the torso and the location can vary depending on which area needs to be corrected. It is normally used on patients who do not have a large amount of skin or fat to remove and require only minimal correction. The scars that result from a mini thigh lift are typically well hidden in the natural crease of the groin.

How Long Will The Results Of An Inner Thigh Lift Last?

A medial thigh lift can help alleviate some physical limitations that result from excess skin and more youthful smooth-contoured thighs can provide a boost in self-confidence. The results of a medial thigh lift will be long-lasting if you are committed to maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle.

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