breast lift with implants provides maximum results from your breast augmentation surgery

Breast Lift With Implants: Everything You Need to Know

Many women are not happy with their breasts and are choosing to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Some women are not happy with the size of their breasts, they feel they are too small or too big. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, or other life events such, as losing weight, aging, and gravity, can change the shape and size of the breasts and cause them to sag. Breast lift with implants addresses these two concerns at once.

More and more women are looking for a way to get the breasts they desire, or reverse the damage, making breast augmentation the most sought after and performed cosmetic surgery in the United States today. Breast augmentation is a category that includes breast lifts, breast reductions, and breast implants. A great option is to combine a breast lift with breast implants to provide maximum results from your surgery.

Simultaneous Surgery: Adding Breast Implants During Your Breast Lift Surgery

A breast lift (mastopexy) is a procedure that reshapes the breast by removing skin and tightening the tissue that surrounds it. The areola can also be resized or moved if needed, to be proportionate to the breast. Breast lift surgery will give you perkier breasts and create a more youthful profile.

Breast lift surgery will not create fullness or roundness at the top of the breast but you can obtain this look through the use of breast implants. A great way to maximize the results of your surgery is to combine a breast lift with breast implants.

Combining breast implants with a breast lift provides increased volume as well as positions and shapes the breasts symmetrically.

Women are becoming more aware of self-care and that they have options if they are not happy with their breasts. If your breasts sag, are smaller than you like, or are shaped unevenly, consider combining a breast lift and breast implants. Feeling and looking younger may give you just the confidence boost you need.

Video: How Much Is a Breast Lift With Implants?

Choosing the Type of Breast Implant Right for You

There are options when choosing breast implants and it is important to choose the one that is right for you. The look and feel of your breasts after surgery will depend on the type of implant you choose as well as the size and placement. It is a decision that should be made through extensive research and careful consideration.

Saline Implants

Saline implants require a smaller incision therefore keep scarring to a minimum. The implant is inserted through the incision and filled with a sterile saltwater solution. The surgeon can control the symmetry and adjust the amount of saline added so both breasts are evenly matched. In the event of a rupture, the non-toxic saline solution would be absorbed by your body and a repair could be done. Saline implants do not feel as natural or “real” as the other options and are only suitable for those with a good amount of natural breast tissue.

Read our in-depth article on Comparison Between Saline vs. Silicone Implants.

Silicone Gel Implants

Gel implants are the most popular choice among women as they feel the most realistic. They come in different sizes and are inserted through incisions in their entirety. The gel is thick and tends to stay in place but if a rupture were experienced it may spread. Periodic MRIs are recommended for women with gel implants.

Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy bear implants are named after the popular gummy bear candy as they keep their shape and are fairly firm. The gel contained inside is made from silicone particles that are cross-linked so they stick together. These implants form with your breast and provide a very natural look and feel. In the event of a rupture, this gel is not going to seep out. Scheduled MRIs are important to ensure the integrity of gel implants over the years.

Placement Options for Breast Implants

After you have chosen the type of implant that is best for you, it is time to decide where you would like the surgeon to place the implant. The two choices are basically behind the chest muscle wall or in front of the muscle wall but behind the breast tissue. Your choice will affect the surgery results, possible scarring as well as recovery time. Your surgeon will discuss the best placement for you based on your body’s anatomy.

Submuscular Placement (behind the chest muscle wall) results in a more natural look and feel but requires a longer surgical procedure as well as longer recovery time. Less scar tissue is normally associated with this placement. This option provides a bit more support for the breast implants and will allow a clearer view of existing breast tissue for mammograms.

Subglandular Placement means that breast implants are placed between the chest muscle and the existing breast tissue. It will allow for the use of bigger breast implants and has a faster recovery. There is a greater possibility of scar tissue formation that will eventually push on the implant than with submuscular placement.

Subglandular placement is usually done for women who may become pregnant and want to breastfeed.

The implants do not get as much support and can be more noticeable. Mammograms can be unclear because the implant is obstructing the view of the original breast tissue.

The Perfect Size for You

Choosing your desired breast size is also something to be carefully considered. Do you really want to be a DD? It may seem appealing at first, but will it look natural? What look are you trying to achieve? How will it affect the way clothes fit your body?

It is a good idea to look at some “before and after” pictures of completed procedures – breast implant or breast implant with a breast lift – to see real-life results. This will give you a realistic idea of what you can expect. Speak with your surgeon about what size is perfect for you.

breast lift with implants before and after
Breast Lift With Implants
Breast Lift With Implants before and after
Breast Lift With Implants

As you are now aware, breast augmentation is a procedure full of options and possibilities. Contact us to schedule a consultation. We would love to assist in making your vision become a reality.

Angelina Postoev, MD, FACS, a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon, and Christopher Ibikunle, MD, FACS, offer breast lift with implants to women in Lawrenceville, Suwanee, Johns Creek, Buckhead, and other surrounding areas of Atlanta, Georgia.

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