Tummy Tuck Risks

As a cosmetic surgeon, I am asked many questions about potential tummy tuck risks and complications such as “Is a tummy tuck safe?”, “Is a tummy tuck dangerous?”, or “What are the signs of a bad tummy tuck?” These are all good questions and information you should understand before undergoing a tummy tuck.

Any surgical procedure has associated risks and complications and tummy tuck surgery is no exception. There are several types of tummy tucks and some are more invasive than others so the risk of complications is commensurate with the extent of the surgery.

Mitigating Tummy Tuck Risks

Before undergoing a tummy tuck 2 critical steps should be taken to help avoid risks and complications associated with a tummy tuck.

Step 1: Choose A Qualified Surgeon

One of the most important decisions while planning a tummy tuck is choosing your surgeon. It is critical that the surgeon you choose is a highly-skilled expert and experienced in the type of tummy tuck you are undergoing. Some things to consider when choosing a surgeon are:

  • What are their qualifications?
  • What is their track record?
  • What kind of reviews do you find?
  • Did you feel comfortable with the surgeon during the consultation?

The surgeon that is right for you will make you feel comfortable and at ease from the consultation, all the way through the procedure, and beyond.

They will give you honest answers to your questions and set realistic expectations to ensure you understand all aspects of the procedure including the risks, costs, potential side effects, costs, and expected results.

Step 2: Ensure You Meet Qualification Criteria For Tummy Tuck Surgery

While there are basic criteria for undergoing a tummy tuck, your overall health will play the biggest part in how well you do during and after your tummy tuck surgery.

  • Individuals with elevated BMI numbers are more at risk for complications during and after surgery;
  • Smokers are at high risk for complications such as necrosis – delayed or inability to heal properly that can lead to gangrene, etc.;
  • Being in excellent cardio shape and physically fit before undergoing a tummy tuck will help decrease your chances of risks or complications both during the tummy tuck surgery and after;
  • Patient responsibility can include the discontinuation of certain medications, abstaining from smoking and alcohol, and preparing physically for tummy tuck surgery.

Choosing the right surgeon and being in good physical shape are things you can do in advance to prepare for your surgery to reduce the risk of complications and serious side effects.

Risks Of A Tummy Tuck

  • Excessive scarring;
  • Bleeding or hematoma;
  • Fluid build-up or seroma;
  • Infection;
  • Inadequate wound healing;
  • Blood clots;
  • Prolonged numbness, changes in sensation;
  • Necrosis – fatty tissue that is located deep in the skin dies;
  • Incision separation;
  • Asymmetry – uneven results.

Is There Such A Thing As A Bad Tummy Tuck?

It is possible to get a bad tummy tuck and that is why choosing a qualified, experienced, and reputable cosmetic surgeon is one of the most critical aspects of your tummy tuck experience.

There are also instances where patients contribute to undesirable results because they were not prepared physically before the surgery or failed to take their recovery process seriously and did not adhere to their aftercare instructions.

Some Signs of a Bad Tummy Tuck

  • Uneven contours;
  • Bulging upper abdomen;
  • Naval too high or too low or misshapen;
  • Scars are ill-positioned, too high, or uneven.

If you have had a tummy tuck and are unhappy with the results, a tummy tuck revision may be performed or another cosmetic procedure may be able to address the issues. A consultation with a triple-board certified cosmetic surgeon can help determine the best strategy for you to achieve your desired aesthetic goals.

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