Mini Tummy Tuck

If you desire to make some drastic changes to your appearance and receive a much-deserved boost in self-esteem, consider undergoing a mini tummy tuck at SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics. We offer various tummy tuck options at our conveniently located offices in Atlanta and the surrounding areas. Our skilled team of experts is dedicated to delivering the premium aesthetic results you desire with precision and the utmost in patient safety and care.

What Is A Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck or mini-abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat if necessary in the area below the navel and above the pubic bone. It creates a flatter contoured lower abdomen that looks more aesthetically pleasing in fitted clothing such as a bathing suit.

Types of tummy tucks: full, mini, extended, 360-degree, Fleur-de-lis
Types of tummy tucks: full, mini, extended, 360-degree, Fleur-de-lis
Types of tummy tucks: full, mini, extended, 360-degree, Fleur-de-lis
Types of tummy tucks: full, mini, extended, 360-degree, Fleur-de-lis

Who Is A Candidate For a Mini Tummy Tuck?

If you have loose skin, a pooch, or significant stretch marks that make you self-conscious about the way your lower abdomen looks, a mini-abdominoplasty might be a good option for you.

Ideal candidates for a mini abdominoplasty should be:

  • In good health;
  • Physically fit – close to ideal weight;
  • Not planning to become pregnant in the future.

How Is A Mini Tummy Tuck Performed?

A mini tummy tuck can be done under local or general anesthesia.

  1. Once asleep, numb, and comfortable, the surgeon makes an incision just above the pubic bone. The incision site will be hidden by most bathing suits and undergarments but there will be a resulting scar.
  2. The layers of skin and fat that reside above the abdominal wall will be separated from the wall using a special surgical device called a cautery device.
  3. Once the fat is separated from the muscle, the surgeon will pull the lower abdominal muscles close together and suture them in place. This makes the abdominal wall flatter and firmer and slims down the waistline.
  4. Then the excess skin and fat that fall below the incision line will be removed. The incision is then sutured closed and surgical tape and bandages are applied.
  5. Drainage tubes are often used just below the incision during recovery to help mitigate excess fluid build-up while the incision heals.
  6. Patients will need to wear a compression garment to help ease discomfort and provide support while the incision heals.
  7. The drainage tubes and bandages are often removed by the surgeon a few weeks after the surgery.
  8. Some pain, discomfort, swelling, and bruising are normal after a mini abdominoplasty but will subside. The surgeon may provide a prescription for pain medication to help ease the initial discomfort if needed.
  9. The scar from the incision will fade gradually over time and should become very light.

How Long Does Mini Abdominoplasty Surgery Take?

The amount of time it takes for the surgeon to perform a mini tummy tuck depends on the amount of skin and fat that has to be removed and whether liposuction is also performed. Usually, the procedure takes between 1 and 2 hours.

What Is The Recovery From A Mini Tummy Tuck?

The recovery time for each patient will be dependent upon factors such as age, overall health, activity level, and state of physical fitness before surgery.

Recovering from a mini-abdominoplasty is significantly shorter than recovery from a full tummy tuck. The surgeon will provide specific aftercare instructions tailored to your unique circumstances. Routinely, aftercare instruction will be similar to these:

  • You will need someone to drive you home from the surgery and you will not be able to drive again until the surgeon clears you. Each patient is unique and the time frame for being cleared to drive will depend on individual circumstances;
  • Some surgeons provide drain care, maintenance instructions if the patient has drains, while others do not wish for patients to touch them and they are monitored and maintained by the surgeon;
  • Patients are encouraged to walk around slightly bent over and carefully the first few days to encourage blood flow but without putting any pressure on the incision line. Then patients gradually work up to taking short walks several times a day;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • Get a good amount of sleep;
  • Do not lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk until the surgeon clears you (not even your children so if you have small children, you will need to get help for a few weeks);
  • Wear compression garments except for showering for approximately 4 to 6 weeks;
  • If your job is physically demanding, you may have to wait for 4 to 6 weeks before returning to work. However, if you work at a desk and your job is not labor-intensive, you may be ready to return to work after 1 or 2 weeks;
  • Resuming normal activities will typically start between four and six weeks after a mini tummy tuck but patients should check with their surgeon before strenuous weight lifting and similar activities are undertaken.

How Much Does A Mini Tummy Tuck Cost?

If you are looking for the price of mini abdominoplasty in Atlanta, Georgia then you are in the right place! The average cost of a mini tummy tuck starts at about $5,850 depending on each unique case. At SurgiCare Arts, unlike in many clinics, prices are all-inclusive, with no surprise additional fees coming later. During the initial consultation, pricing will be discussed in detail and you will learn about flexible financing options offered to our patients. With some financial options, there are no payments at all during the first 3-6 months.

At SurgiCare Arts & Aesthetics the price of a mini tummy tuck includes:
  • anesthesia fee;
  • procedure fee;
  • surgeon’s fee;
  • facility fee.

Many of our procedure prices also include pre- and post-procedure consultations/care, which may not be included at other clinics. When inquiring about the cost of a mini tummy tuck, make sure to ask detailed questions about what is and is not included, and whether or not post-surgery care is covered.

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